Pheoris West Online

About Pheoris West

Visionary Genius, Teacher, Mentor, Friend


He studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, and earned a Masters of Fine Arts from Yale University. His areas of expertise are painting and drawing, computer graphics, and design. His art has been shown in various art displays since 1970.  

West considers himself an Afrocentric artist. He does not align with modern or post-modern artists. He prefers to integrate the importance of a strong moral society with cultural traditions. Africa is the source for classical art traditions and African and American cultures inspire his imagery. He symbolizes a universal message through the use of traditional tales, mythologies and religion.


His work has appeared in numerous art venues, including the Philadelphia Museum, Boston Museum, the Studio Museum in Harlem, MuseoCivico D'Arts Contemporaneo Di Gibillina, Palermo, Italy, and the Cincinnati Contemporary Art Center. Professor West served as curator ofHomage to Jazz in 1999 at the Martin Luther King Center in Columbus. He has served on the National Endowment of the Arts Expansion Arts Panel, the International Juror National Exhibition of Zimbabwe, and the Ohio Arts Council.


She represents the theorized oldest evidence of humanity found in Ethiopia.


He has been an associate professor at the Ohio State University College of the Arts since 1976.


His most common subject is the black woman. He considers her a symbol for Mother Earth, for the cradle of humanity.


“To teach is to learn”

“The works are testimonials of life, celebrations of joy, psalms of hope, proclamations of pride and victories of endurance.  Through his expressions we learn about ourselves and our capacity to grow.”

Chandra Cox
Professor at North Carolina State University

“He is a great teacher and a master artist with an expansive knowledge of history and art.

Debra Priestly
Professor of Art, Queens College

“There, on the wall, ...was this painting.  The layers of colors, the compositional elements, the seemingly effortless shift from abstraction to representations of things not solely of this life or this world.  I looked down, saw it was painted by Pheoris and thought,”This is someone who could help me become a better painter.”

Lou McAfee
Co-Founder, Studio 49 Atmosphere Design


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